The Internet and A Global Media Market

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To what extent has the internet created a global media market? Use relevant examples to illustrate your points.

Media business has gone global under the capital globalization. Most of large media institutions in different countries have moved their steps into the global media market. The emergence of internet accelerates the creation of a global media market. In this essay, the expansion of the internet use in contemporary society and the digitalization of traditional mass media will be briefly introduced in the first and second sections. The third section will examine how the internet helps to produce and access media information globally. Next, the advantage of the internet will be discussed to compare with traditional media. The internet has reconstructed people’s ways of life. Meanwhile, it has changed the regulation of the governments’ control in today’s network society, which contributes to create a global arena of communication. The final section will discuss some problems of the internet as a global media platform.

In Marshall McLuhan’s book Understanding Media (1964), he raised a prophetic theory of the ‘global village’. He contended that ‘electric circuitry has overthrown the regime of time and space and pours upon us instantly and continuously the concerns of all other men’ (McLuhan and Fiore, 1967, cited in Tomlinson, 1999, p153). It accurately describes today’s network society, since people can across the temporal and spatial boundaries in the internet to access information and communicate with others. Nowadays, the use of the internet is dramatically expanded. More and more people in the world have gotten used of operating their personal computers instead of television and radio. In America, the average numb...

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