International Financial Reporting Standards

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The globalization of the world’s capital markets has created an increasing need for comparable, detailed and transparent system of financial reporting making it imperative to establish one set of high quality global accounting standards (Gornick-Tomaszewski, S., & Showerman, S.2010). Currently, there are two sets of accounting standards that are generally accepted for international financial reporting- The U.S. GAAP ( Generally Accepted accounting Principles ) which have been developed by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) issued by the International Accounting Standards Board(ISAB) (Kieso, D.E., Weygandt, J.J., Warfield, T, D, .2013. To bring about uniformity in financial reporting many countries around the world have agreed to accept IFRS as the global accounting standard to be used for preparing the financial statements of public traded companies (Gornick-Tomaszewski, S., & Showerman, S.2010). IFRS can be defined as a comprehensive, high quality set of accounting standards, rules and interpretations used in preparation of financial statements (Gornick-Tomaszewski, S., & Showerman, S.2010).Currently, over 115 countries in the world use IFRS for reporting financial statements of domestic companies. The European Union has mandated that all listed companies in Europe use IFRS to make their information more comparable and less complex to the users (Kieso, D.E., et al, 2013). However, in the U.S. there is complexity in reporting financial data. The reason for this complexity arises from the fact that U.S multinational companies with subsidiaries listed in foreign stock exchanges can prepare their financial statements using U.S. GAAP while foreign public corp...

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Gornick-Tomaszewski, S., & Showerman, S. (April 2010).IFRS in the United States: Challenges and opportunities. Review of Business, 30(2), 59-71. Retrieved from Or, A. (May 2012).Perspectives on eventual IFRS adoption. Retrieved from
Kieso, D.E., Weygandt, J.J., & Warfield, T.D. (2013).Intermediate Accounting, 15th edition. John Wiley& Sons, Inc.
Chasan, E. (February 4, 2014).SEC’s new strategic plan backs away from IFRS.CFO Journal. Retrieved from
IFRS FAQs (2014). AICPA IFRS Resources. Retrieved from

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