The Interesting, Complex Digestive System

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The human digestive system is a bodily process made up of many systems, organs and substances that break down food both physically and chemically for use by the body. But what exactly is human digestion and what happens to food as it moves through the digestive system? “…[digestion] is a group of organs working together to convert food into energy and basic nutrients to feed the entire body” (Tim Taylor). There are three major bodily mechanisms that contribute to the process of digestion. The first mechanism is the breakdown of food, the second mechanism is the process of extracting nutrients from food, and the third mechanism is excretion, or the body’s natural waste system. Each mechanism uses specific bodily organs and chemical compounds to assist in the digestion process. Organs such as the mouth, tongue, throat, liver, esophagus, gallbladder, pancreas, small and large intestines, rectum and anus are all key to the digestive process. These organs and mechanisms come together to convert the food humans eat into energy and nutrients that the body uses to sustain life, and to get rid of unnecessary waste that could be harmful to the body. Although the removal of waste from the human body can be an awkward subject to discuss it is an important part of the digestive system because if left in the body this waste would eventually poison us. The digestive system is interesting, complex and truly important to our daily lives. Without the digestive system energy and nutrients vital to the body could never reach body cells and a person wouldn't be able to do all the things they like to do, such as study, play sports, and hang out with friends. The body uses various organs and chemicals to break down food. The breakdown of food he... ... middle of paper ... necessary nutrients, such as stomach acid and saliva. The body also uses a waste system to take out the bad stuff in the body that cannot be used as nutrients or energy. Human beings, and all animals from the tiniest insect to the world’s largest mammal, must remove and dispose of wastes from their bodies. Separate systems work on gaseous, liquid, and solid waste. Waste excretion in living things helps maintain homeostasis which supports the basic ability to survive. There are many systems in the human body, from the circulatory which regulates blood flow throughout the body, to the nervous system and muscular system. Each system has its specific function and purpose in the body. However, it is fair to say that the digestive system, with all its necessary organs, enzymes, chemicals and processes is truly one of the most important systems in the human body.

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