Intelligent Design

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Taking a close look at philosophy, it is the study of problems linked with existence, values, knowledge, mind, language and reason. This implies that philosophy is the study that involves addressing problems based on rational argument. It is a well-documented fact: the word philosophy is a Greek word that means love of wisdom. As the name entails, philosophy is linked with many subjects such as politics, religion, and ethics, among others that involve absolute wisdom. For the past years, researchers have continuously raised issues regarding the subjects outlining various criticisms emerging under the subject of Intelligent Design (Dembski, 2002). With this in mind, this paper seeks to discuss what Intelligent Design [I.D.] claims, science, and faith; in addition, it will discuss scientific criticism of I. D.


Intelligent Design claims that, living things and features of the universe are best explained by intelligent cause not on natural cause or selection. In other words, philosophy seeks to analyze that only the influence of an intelligent power explains the diversity and complexity we see today. According to Machen (1991), I.D. redefines science in a significant way to the extent it invokes a supernatural viewpoint thus deserving irreducible criticism. Without doubt, the I.D. argument is among the basic religious arguments for the existence of God that has proceeded for centuries. In 13th century, Thomas Aquinas outlines that intelligence enables natural things to accomplish the best results while setting goals (Machen, 1991). The version formulated by Aquinas outlines that God is paramount in providing a sense of direction to human beings, thus setting clear evidence in nature of intelligent d...

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.... Progressive Humanism:

Dembski, W.A. (2002). Intelligent Design: The Bridge Between Science & Theology. London: Intervarsity Press

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Joly, E. (1958). What is Faith. London: Hawthorn Books

Layton, J. (2011). How Intelligent Design Works: Retrieved from

Machen, G. J. (1991). What Is Faith. London: Banner of Truth

Mannoia, J.V. (1980). What is science an introduction to the structure and methodology of science. New York: University Press of America

Suzanne, W. (2007). What is wrong with intelligent design? Retrieved from

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