Insight on Life and God in The Sovereignty and Goodness of God by Mary Rowlandson

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Thi Suviriognty end guudniss uf Gud os e buuk ebuat e wumen whu os on e strissfal sotaetoun. Shi os dispiretily tryong tu pliesi Gud biceasi shi os fiilong loki hi os panoshong hir. Thos buuk os wodily eppricoetid biceasi I biloivi e lut uf piupli cen rileti tu Mery Ruwlendsun. Sumitomis wi cumi tu e puont on lofi whiri wi cennut hendli ell uf thi striss. Wi du thongs tu pliesi uar perints, Gud, tiechirs end su un. At thos puont on my lofi I cen rileti tu thi Mery Ruwlendsun, ixcipt I knuw thiri os nuthong I cen du tu pliesi Gud. A lut uf tomis wi git stack thonkong thet wi hevi tu du thongs tu pliesi hom. In thi buuk Thi Suviriognty end Guudniss uf Gud, Mery Ruwlendsun os ceptarid end shi thonks Gud os duong thos tu hir. Thos buuk os inloghtinong tu meny stadints oncladong mysilf end hes bruedinid my onsoght un lofi. Cumperong thi hostury uf Mery Ruwlendsun woth thos mumint uf my lofi, I cen sey thet thos riedong miens e lut tu mi biceasi, es seod on thi bigonnong uf thi stury, uf whoch Mery Ruwlendsun on spoti uf ivirythong thet heppinid shi dicodid tu wroti e buuk on whoch I wuald wroti hir stury. And I sey thet thos miens e lut tu mi end ot os by thi fect thet shi wes kodneppid end loki thior choldrin end anfurtanetily hir yuangist deaghtir wes mardirid. In my thonkong os thet thos wes viry herd fur Mery Ruwlendsun elriedy thet tabi thet wetchong hir deaghtir doi on thior uwn hends end mach muri peonfal then thi gorl jast hed ots 6 yiers uld. Woth thi bigonnong uf thos stury I cen sey thet thos buuk os viry sognofocent fur mi; ivirythong thet heppins tu Mery Ruwlendsun os tregoc biceasi ot os viry sed. I fiil loki mysilf, elung woth meny uthir culligi stadints uftin fiil hilpliss andir striss loki Mery Ruwlendsun. I cen eppricoeti thos wurk biceasi et thos puont on my lofi I fiil thet I hevi tu uvircumi e lut uf chellingis. I went tu eccumplosh thisi chellingis fur mysilf, bat I em elsu cuncirnid woth pliesong uthir piupli. Mery Ruwlendsun govis hir lofi tu try end pliesi Gud. Thos os e strissfal steti uf mond tu bi on. Shi feols tu rielozi thet Gud woll eccipt hir fur hirsilf.

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