The Influence of T.S Eliot Through his Poetry

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T.S. Eliot was a modern poet that was globally renowned for his contributions to poetry and the way that he envisioned society and managed to communicate those opinions through language. He had influenced many post modernists as well as fellow poets because of his indifference in the way that poetry had been set to be. He used language to develop patters in order to show how they can make sense as a whole once laid out instead of using the diction of the poetry to state ideas. T.S. Eliot had developed these poems every time, and he used his intuitive thinking to create poems that were very complex but could still release very clear ideas and thoughts. T.S. Eliot used many different skills and methods that he implemented into his poems, and this is shown throughout the progress of his life.
T.S. Eliot (1888-1965) grew up in St. Louis up until he was 18. He then attended Harvard University and got his BA. It was there where he began developing his poetic skill. In December 1908, Eliot found a book that had changed his life forever. Eliot found the book “Arthur Symon’s The Symbolistic Movement in Literature” and this book introduced Eliot to the poetic works of Jules Laforgue (T.S. Eliot - Biographical. ). Jules’ work gave Eliot his voice in poetry and literature, and during this time he joined the Harvard Literary Magazine: The Advocate. This helped Eliot develop his poetry into its unique style because Eliot then began writing more and more poetry after reading his work. Which further brought Eliot closer to using his techniques in his poetry. Later in his life, T.S. Eliot met his contemporary, Ezra Pound. She recognized the intellectual thought of Eliot at an instant, and she helped him publish some of his most...

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...the poem “The Waste Land” with a space between what the word would be which is “wasteland”. This can also represent how Eliot views modern society as a waste of land, as well as being a barren wasteland of culture and society. Eliot’s style and development is so precise that even a small hint of a pun in the title of one of his poems can relate to the entire product as a whole.
T.S. Eliot had a very distinct style of poetry, which was so innovative that people would keep uncovering new ideas from poems that he had written decades before. He is the reason that further proves that the poet develops the poetry because he used techniques that other poets hadn’t used before which makes him different, and that is reflected in his poetry. This is something that only poets can do, and how their views, opinions, and styles develop their own poetry, not the other way around.

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