The Influence of Muslims in the Modern World

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Today, the modern world has been greatly influenced by Muslims. Muslims are very intelligent people and created and invented many achievements. In ninth century Arabia, Muslims contributed: Intellectual, Cultural, and Economic advancements that have impacted the world long term.
One of the reasons why Muslims were able to achieve so much is because they are strict religious people. Most everything they do is in the name of their God, Allah. Documents two, six, seven, and eight give examples of their cultural activities. Document six exhibits calligraphy. Calligraphy is used to decorate buildings, mosques, and objects in glory of Allah. Calligraphy is used to represent the word of God in different ways other than letters to show that Allah is the creator of all. It is also used to reduce the amount of art to avoid the idolatry of pictures that are meant to worship Allah. Today, cursive may have been created from the elegant writing of calligraphy. In calligraphy, words can be used to become pictures and have a deeper meaning than the picture. Calligraphy is also used in the Dome of the Rock. Muslims worship Allah at the Dome of the Rock, which is located in Jerusalem, shown in document seven. The Dome of the Rock is a dome that is on top of a building to worship Allah. In the twenty-first century, domes are used for many buildings. Even the big sphere in Epoct, Disney World is an extension of the Dome of Rock. Document eight has an excerpt form the Quran and Persian Poems to compare the two. The Quran is the Holy Bible for Muslims and is the base of Arabic literature and poetry. The Quran is written in a way that voices the writer, which many poems do today. The figurative language and choice in words have affected the ways of wr...

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... and the armillary sphere. The astrolabe and armillary sphere was used to study the skies and calculate the calendar for the date and their location. The Astrolabe was like a smartphone that contained a calendar and a map. Without theses inventions, constellations, maps, and calendars may not be used today. Without a guide of the stars and sky, there would be no NASA, to conquer the moon and no airport, to help the humans travel through the sky. Even though the early inventions couldn't take the Muslims traveling the sky, they were able to travel the sea and land. Document nine shows that Muslims were able to explore the world and conquer many lands and the seas around. Because they could travel lands and seas, they had a great trading network. Because they traded, their customs and knowledge were traded too. Resulting in the long lasting influence of the Muslims.

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