The Influence and Work Conditions of Daycare Workers

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Do you have kids in daycare centers? Whether your answer is yes or no, have you ever thought about how much they get paid? Do you think they earn enough for being a big part of people’s lives or even a big part of today’s communities? Would you want their salary for a job or even a career? These are all questions I have asked myself and thought of from other people’s perspectives as well. As a child, I was smart and picked up on certain attitudes such as stress from the teacher, also known as the daycare worker. At times, things got tight such as money; therefore, some activities were taken off the schedule from lack of supplies. Some days, we spent a lot of extra time outside, just to get through the day because there was no money to extra curricular activities. Not only are activities being replaced or extended, but sometimes food as well as games. For instance, one afternoon I had eaten homemade pizza for lunch and a plate of animal crackers. However, a week later, we had to eat store bought chicken nuggets without any sauce and only a handful of animal crackers as consequences for lack of money. This went on for about a week and a half. Child care workers then had to redo their whole schedule and budget to make up for the lose. While all this may be true, when things were really rough, the facility had to cut down on business hours, which, hurt a lot of families. As with other companies, if business hours are cut, it does not just hurt one person. It hurts employers, employees, and the facility in a whole. Because I have seen some of these issues first hand, I would like to reach out and speak on behalf of daycare workers that should be, not only more appreciated, but paid more as well. Thus, daycare and child care workers sh...

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...w one comes in as a replacement and confuses the child. It is just as important as if the child was bouncing from parent to parent. Change is hard on a child; however, if these life changing workers do not get compensated more, they will leave and the child's life will be changed. Most people can relate to parents that do not want to pay more and their side is, again, very understandable; however, can be viewed as selfishness. In some case, such as this, better pay equals better quality. For instance, if the child care worker is paid more, they are not very stressful in their day to day work because they would have more to pay for their living; therefore, would reflect on their work. These workers would be happier and it would show in their teaching and their attitude in the work place.

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