Importance of the Setting in The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe

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The setting of a story sets the tone for the entire piece. Without the appropriate setting, what the author is trying to express is lost. In “The Cask of Amontillado”, Edgar Allan Poe uses the setting as a way to set the stage for the events that will come. Poe’s settings make his stories interesting, as well as easy to understand because of his descriptiveness and writing techniques. His use of vivid details and symbols in his settings intrigue the readers and set a particular tone. Each and every setting has a direct meaning and reason attached to that of the story and time. Poe’s story has multiple settings. Each setting has a distinct meaning that is trying to be conveyed. Throughout the story, Poe uses details about the setting to give the reader clues of what is to come. The big setting of the story is in an Italian city. The time period and place ultimately represent freedom, as that is what most people were concerned with at that time. The carnival season plays into this even more so because carnival is literally a celebration of freedom before they must give up some of the...

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