The Importance Of Sacrament In The Church

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Another sacrament observed in our ministry is Holy Communion. The Holy Communion was instituted by Jesus during the Last Supper. Holy Communion is taken in remembrance of Jesus Christ and what He has done for us. The bread represents the broken body of Christ. The wine represents the blood that was shed on the cross for the remission of our sins. This sacrament is also observed in many denominations in Christianity.
Christianity is an adopted lifestyle. No one is born to this world as a Christian. We may be born into Christian families and attend church in our youth. We learn about God through our communities of faith. Yet a relationship with God cannot be obtained through another person’s relationship with God. Christian initiation helps a …show more content…

Initiation There were certain things that distinguished a Jew from a gentile. Sacraments played a very important role in the initiation of Judaism. In the Jewish community, water baptism was a requirement. The water baptism was used to convert people into the Jewish faith. Early Christians retained this ceremonial cleansing as a form of initiation into the Christian faith.
Christians baptize in order to convert people into the Christian faith. A Christian minister will either fully submerge a new convert into water, or sprinkle them with water. The water baptism solidifies the fact that we have become new through Jesus Christ. The water baptism continues to be an important sacrament and initiation that is observed by most denominations of the Christian faith.
Another initiation of the Jewish faith was circumcision. Baby boys were circumcised on when they were only eight days old. This placed males within the covenant between Israel and God. This is still practiced today. Yet, it is now mostly for hygienic purposes. The practice is no longer widely used as a necessary sacrament that puts a male in covenant with God. The ministry of Jesus removed all of this. Although this isn’t essential in Christianity, this is still practiced in Judaism …show more content…

Romans 10:9-10. The scripture tells us that if we confess with our mouth that Jesus is Lord then we will be saved. This means that we must verbally acknowledge that He is Lord. The next step is believing that God raised Him from the dead. Therefore, the very first initiation is to believe in Jesus Christ, the resurrection, and to express these confessions verbally. He is the foundation of our faith.
Another initiation that is used in our ministry is christening. This is usually in performed with the sprinkling of water. There are some denominations that describe the baptism and christening as one in the same. The importance of this seems to vary from denomination to denomination. However, it is important in the ministry that I belong to. We also reserve christening to be performed on infants only. Christening is a ceremonial dedication of a baby to God. This is usually performed on children as early as a few days old to eighteen month olds. The parents and godparents come forward and promise to take care of the child in the event that they are unable. They vow to bring that child up in the way of the Lord. A certificate is signed by the pastor or minister in order to document the

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