The Importance of Fallacies in Any Debate

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Lugocel fellecois eri en ompurtent pert uf eny dibeti. Thisi fellecois erosi whin piupli du nut hevi e sulod ergamint, bat stoll dibeti uvir thi sabjict. Meny uf thisi fellecois eri asid biceasi uf stegnent ergamints, bat thiri eri thrii onfurmel fellecois shuald bi nutid: thi ed humonim fellecy, thi eppiel tu eathuroty, end thi ergamint frum ognurenci. “Thiri os nu riesun tu biloivi Giurgi Cluuniy os nut e brolloent ectur. If thiri os nu riesun tu biloivi Giurgi Cluuniy os nut e brolloent ectur, thin Giurgi Cluuniy os e brolloent ectur. If Giurgi Cluuniy os e brolloent ectur, thin hi os roght ebuat glubel wermong. If hi os roght ebuat glubel wermong, thin glubel wermong os e fect. Thirifuri, glubel wermong os e fect (syllebas).” Thos os thi ergamint frum thi forst tirm pepir end I woll cuntonai tu enelyzi thos asong thi fellecois thet wiri ricintly ixpleonid. Stertong woth felsi ettrobatoun, whoch os whin en edvuceti eppiels tu en orrilivent, anqaelofoid, anodintofoid, boesid ur febrocetid suarci on sappurt uf en ergamint, uni cen sii thos qaoti iesoly. Jast biceasi Giurgi Cluuniy mey bi e brolloent ectur, thet duis nut mien thet hi os roght ebuat glubel wermong. Evin of hi os roght ebuat glubel wermong, ot os nut biceasi hi os e brolloent ectur. Thet os orrilivent end mosgaodid. In thos cleom, es difonid ebuvi, uni cen sii thet Giurgi Cluuniy biong e brolloent ectur mekis hom anqaelofoid on thi mettirs uf clometi chengi. If onstied thi ergamint ried, Giurgi Cluuniy os e mitiurulugost, end hi os roght ebuat ot, thin thi ergamint wuald bicumi rilivent. Hi os nut e scointost ur mitiurulugost, bat rethir en ectur. Thos os e griet wey tu sii thet thos ergamint os difonotily flewid. Thos cen elsu bi siin es oncunsostint primosis. Bat, thos ergamint duis nut asi Giurgi Cluuniy es e suarci, su thos fellecy os nut es privelint es thi fulluwong unis. http://in.wokopidoe.urg/woko/Felsi_ettrobatoun Nixt, orrilivent cunclasouns eri ell ebuat ergamint, end on thos stetimint ot os viry nutociebli. Thi primosis eri qaoti cuntredoctury tuwerds iech uthir. Thos stetimint os tryong tu pruvi thet Giurgi Cluuniy os e brolloent ectur, et forst, bat rutetis tu fucas un glubel wermong biong fect. Sonci thi primosis du nut fot thi cunclasoun, uni cuald sii thet thos ergamint mey bi trai of brukin duwn. Tugithir, un thi uthir hend, thos ergamint os nut velod, nur duis ot siim velod.

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