The Strategies Of Community Policing

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Community policing is a strategy used by various departments in order to create and maintain a relationship between the law enforcement agency and the community being patrolled. Community policing is composed of three critical components, community partnerships, organizational transformation, and problem solving (Gardiner, 154, 2016). Community partnerships are pivotal in community policing since they increase public trust and create am improved relationship in law enforcement agencies better serving the community (Gardiner, 87, 2016). These partnerships not only offer public input but also encourage the public to cooperate with law enforcement agencies in order to minimize crime within the community (Gardiner, 88, 2016). Unlike, the traditional strategies of policing, community orientated policing has been adopted by two-thirds of agencies in order to improve public safety and control crime. (Gardiner, 148, 2016). This innovative strategy allows law enforcement officers to achieve a level of respect and cooperation of the community through close working relationships between the citizens and the agency. “The key to infusing community policing throughout the department is by restructuring agency management, in particular making changes …show more content…

They went further to add that young officers want to get out there chase suspects, makec arrest, and move from call to call, “do the adredaline stuff.” Community policing allows the officers to get together with other officers of other shifts to workout a plan to address the issues of certain neighborhoods (Gardiner, 96, 2016). It’s a strategy that allows officers to be more proactive among the community, instead of just responding to calls. Furthermore, it provides officers with the ability to meet the citizens needs and what they view as important (Gardiner, 110,

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