Illegal Immigration in the United States

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Illegal immigration in the US is and has been an ongoing battle for many years. According to legal-dictionary an illegal immigrant is define as an alien (non-citizen) who has entered the united sates without government permission or stayed beyond the termination date of a visa. There are many problems that occur such as overpopulation, raising crime rates and unemployment. Some Americans have issues with illegal immigration and some do not. Those with the issues are concerned about illegal immigrants taking Americans jobs and not paying taxes. Those without the issue are mostly business owners who hire them because most immigrants will work for a low wage and owners also do not have to claim them on their taxes. Therefore the American government must control the flow of illegal immigrants in to America by bettering some laws such as punishing employers, raising the number of visas and Medicare.

Employment or the lack thereof, is one of the main reasons why illegal immigration is such a big issue in America. Immigrants that come to the United States are usually from poor countries, where there is not much employment. If a person is employed, the pay is very little. So When they come to America they are willing to work for lesser wages than the average American because although the pay is less, it is still more than what they are use to being paid. In “What If We Deport Them All?” by Jeff Jacoby, he states, “A lot of jobs that pay, say, $8 an hour and are acceptable to a Mexican or Guatemalan alien with little education, fewer skills, and a fear of being deported would evaporate at the $16 an hour Americans would demand.” This shows how employers take advantage of illegal immigrant workers and take jobs away from American ci...

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...ates a pathway to achieve that." One exception he does have is that healthcare should be offered to illegal immigrant children because they are in our kids’ playground and schools and if they aren’t treated with the right medicines or vaccines they could spread disease and viruses.

In Conclusion, illegal immigrants cause many problems throughout our country from social issues to healthcare. If our government makes effortless changes to law, America can enhance opportunities to citizens. By offering more visas each year illegal immigrants would not have to come to the United States illegally. Employers that hire illegal immigrants will be penalized for hiring illegal immigrants and having them work for low wages without the proper documents. Illegal immigrants without healthcare should not be treated unless they are children because it costing our hospitals too much

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