ICT in Cameroon Primary Schools

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This chapter describes the research methods used to collect data in this study and explains their appropriateness towards the exploration of the three research questions outlined in the Chapter 1. Research is a process of gaining a better understanding of the complexities of human experience. The purpose of conducting the research is to describe and understand a field, practice or activity (Brown & Dowling, 2001). McMillan and Schumacher (2001), regard educational research to be imperative as it provides valid information, knowledge and principles to guide the decision-making, thinking and discussion process in education. In order to answer the three questions posed below, a methodology which would allow the analysis of the respondents’ attitude, knowledge and skills towards ICT integration in the school curriculum was necessary. The qualitative research method was identified as the methodology that will provide a richer and deeper understanding of the situation.

This type of inquiry is ideally suited for this research as Merriam (1998) indicates that the focus of qual...

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