The Humanoid Effect

861 Words2 Pages

Over the last century, predominantly in the last twenty years, the earth has endured unparalleled heating. A person’s first response might be why? Hasn’t global warming always existed? Yes. It has always been a menacing epidemic but there have been obvious changes to the environment. With the drastic weather changes, it is suspected that all of the polar ice sheets should be melted by 2100. Many scientists have studied what could be the cause of this epidemic. The fact of the matter is that the scientists have established what exactly is causing it, which are high levels of carbon dioxide. Global warming is life threatening and for the majority, caused by the human race and our technological advances.

A collection of scientific evidence specifies that… “since 1950, the world's climate has been warming, primarily as a result of emissions from unfettered burning of fossil fuels and the razing of tropical forests” (Science). With this motion enhances to the ether's unseen blanket of carbon dioxide and other earth-warming “greenhouse" gases. In recent studies research has revealed that “…methane, which flows from landfills, livestock and oil and gas facilities, is a close second to carbon dioxide in impact on the atmosphere” (Science).

The standard view on global warming is allocated in half, but the majority believes that global warming does exist, but it is not contrived or heightened by human activity. The problem with the standard view is that yes, there are other factors that have been known to amend the earths temperature, but it is obvious that pollutions that are only caused by advances in technology and human development are the leading cause. It is important to change the general view so there can be developments to cur...

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...regressive and the earth will continue to heat but if we cut back on our use of technology and the development on new land we can decrease the earth’s temperature. Humans obviously have a hand in the increase of temperatures, but as previously stated events in the past with drastic climate changes have occurred. In the future there are bound to be dire changes to the climate. As humans we need to put more effort into advocating this cause by cutting back on our use of technology and destruction of nature.

Works Cited

"Technology Already Exists to Stabilize Global Warming." Princeton University. (2004): n. page. Web. 9 Nov. 2011. .

"Global Warming-Science." New York Times. (2011): n. page. Web. 14 Nov. 2011.

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