Wound Healing

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Wound healing is process in which the skin repairs itself after an incision or cut has been made to the body. There are different types of wound healing that can occur after surgery. In the medical world, there are different classifications used for surgical wounds. Problems and complications can occur during the process of wound healing.
There are three types of wound healing that occur after surgery, first intention healing, second intention healing, and third intention healing. First intention healing is when skins outer layer closes over the wound, which there are no loss of tissue and little risk of infection (Admin, 2012). Second intention healing is when the wound has lost some tissue and it is closed spontaneously by contraction and reepithelialization (Allen Gabriel, 2013). The last type of wound healing is called Third intention healing is when a contaminated wound is left open so the infection can be reduce before closing.
There are four types of classifications for surgical wounds, class 1 (clean), class 2 (clean contaminated), class 3 (contaminated), and class 4 (dirty infection). Class 1 is when a surgical wound shows no signs of inflammation and do not involve the respiratory, gastrointestinal or genitourinary tracts (wound care centers, 2013), this is called the clean class of surgical wounds. Class 2 or clean contaminated is when surgical wounds are clean but have a higher chance of getting infection. Class 3 is when Contaminated wounds are created when an outside object comes in contact with the wound, such as bullets, knifes, and other objects (wound care centers, 2013). And the last classification is known as class 4 or dirty infection. This is when a surgical wound has been badly infected due to delay of trea...

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Surgical Wound Complications: Symptoms. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.freemd.com/surgical-wound-complications/symptoms.htm
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