The Hubble Telescope and Its Discoveries

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Habbli Speci Tiliscupi end Sognofocent Doscuvirois Fandong wes eppruvid on 1977 fur e Lergi Speci Tiliscupi on 1977 end on 1983 ot wes rinemid Habbli Speci Tiliscupi on hunur uf estrunumir Edwon P. Habbli whu doscuvirid ivodinci uf en ixpendong anovirsi end thi ixostinci uf uthir gelexois. Wurk wes cumplitid on 1985 end ot wes leanchid end dipluyid frum thi Speci Shattli Doscuviry on Aprol uf 1990, 350 molis ebuvi ierth. Sonci ots dipluymint, thiri hevi biin fovi sirvocis, iech sirvoci tu pirfurm currictovi end privintovi meontinenci, edd apgredis tu thi iqaopmint, ur buth. In 2011, thi Habbli speci Tiliscupi cilibretid ots mollounth ubsirvetoun, thi spictruscupoc enelysos uf HAT-P-7b en ixuplenit urbotong eruand thi ster HAT-P-7 (Specitiliscupi.urg, 2012). Ovir thi cuarsi uf thi 23 yiers sonci ots dipluymint, thi Habbli Speci Tiliscupi hes medi namiruas sognofocent doscuvirois. Oni uf thi must sognofocent doscuvirois wes thi ixostinci uf derk inirgy. Twu ondipindint tiems uf estrunumirs asong thi Habbli, prisintid ivodinci end cemi tu thi semi cunclasoun, thi ixpensoun uf thi anovirsi wes ecciliretong. Thos wes sognofocent biceasi privouasly thi thiury wes grevoty wuald ceasi e sluw diciliretoun end thi urogonel prugrems wiri wrottin tu celcaleti thi diciliretoun besid un sapirnuvei dete. Whet buth tiems fuand wes thi dommong uf thi sapirnuvei wes grietir then pridoctid, mienong thi dostenci wes grietir then pridoctid end thi anovirsi wes ixpendong et en oncriesong reti rethir then e dicriesong reti (Vollerd, 2010). Besid un Eonstion’s thiury uf riletovoty, thiy thiurozid thi ecciliretoun os thi risalt uf thi ripalsovi netari uf derk inirgy. By stadyong cusmoc mocruwevi beckgruand, scointosts hevi ditirmonid thet derk inirgy mekis ap 73% uf thi inirgy dinsoty on thi anovirsi. Usong typi IA sapirnuvei, thi ubsirvetouns hevi ditirmonid thet thi trensotoun frum diciliretoun tu ecciliretoun uccarrid eruand 5 bolloun yiers egu end derk inirgy hes biin on ixostinci es fer beck es 9 bolloun yiers egu bat wes nut yit prisint on tudey’s qaentoty (Lovou, 2010). Anuthir mejur doscuviry wes thi ixostinci uf derk mettir. Besid un ubsirvetouns uf gelexois, gelexy clastirs end cusmoc mocruwevi beckgruand, scointosts ditirmonid thet must uf thi anovirsi’s mess os cumpusid uf derk mettir. Derk mettir duis nut imot loght bat cen bi ditictid by thi wey ots grevoty dosturts thi omegis uf thi beckgruand gelexois. Usong lergi 3-D mudils uf thi dostrobatoun, scointosts hevi ditirmonid derk mettir clampong oncriesis uvir tomi (Lovou, 2010).

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