Short And Long Term Effects Of Nazism In Germany

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Anti-Semitism has affected the world since Biblical times. There are many disastrous events in history, such as the Black Death, where the Jews have been put to blame by society. In March 1933, when Hitler came to power in Germany by manipulating the Enabling Act, he started to put into action the discriminatory laws as promised. The Nazi Party wanted Germany to become a supreme race of strong, healthy people, called Aryans, without contamination from ‘dirty’ minorities such as the Jews. Through the period from 1933 to 1939 Hitler passed laws which started off by discriminating the Jews, such as burning Jewish books and forbidding them to join the Army, and then gradually put into effect active persecution, so that in 1939 Jews were beginning …show more content…

They were beginning to be separated from German society as nobody could buy from them, and additionally, it would become difficult for many Jews to earn money, and their quality of life would be reduced. This was the beginning of the encouragement for ‘impure’ Jews to leave the country where the Nazi Party’s propaganda had made apparent they were hated. The public had no idea what was coming, however. They understandably didn’t think it was possible for anything as atrocious as the Holocaust to happen in a civilised country like Germany; so many didn’t escape when they had the chance, but step-by-step they lost their human rights and their lack of power as a citizen was assured. Laws were put in place so that by 1939, Jews were not allowed to go to non-Jewish doctors, go out to restaurants or the cinema, shop in the morning for fresh produce, or go out of the house after a certain time in the evening. Their lives were taken away from them – their jobs, information from the radio, books, right to marry non-Jews, proper education, pet animals, homes and land, even part of their …show more content…

This was Hitler’s chance to show Germany’s strength to the world, but the rules of the Olympic Games state that participation cannot be refused because of race. The Nazis had to promise to allow Jews into the competition, and also other races deemed ‘inferior’ by Hitler. However, the German-Jewish Gretel Bergman, one of the world’s most talented high jumpers, was not invited to the Olympic team, even though two other Germans with less Jewish blood

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