How to Wean Baby off the Pacifier

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New parents often struggle to make a decision whether or not to let their babies use a pacifier. However, the time will come when they have to give up the pacifier to avoid dental problems. This may not be an easy thing to do for all babies and parents may have to learn various ways on how to wean baby off pacifier depending on their parenting style.
How to Wean Baby off Pacifier
1. Take away early.
Many doctors believe that taking away the binky early is the most effective way to wean off a baby from the habit. Older babies may have powerful ways to protest their unwillingness to give up their beloved pacifier, but if it is taken away while they are still very young and less able to express displeasure, transition may be easier.
One mother relates that she took both of her daughters' pacifiers away at the age of three months. They says that they did not seem to need sucking on it anymore to soothe themselves and that they were too young to remember having it. This mother also observed that it is much easier to take away something from infants than from toddlers. She therefore advises taking the binky away as soon as possible and avoid greater problems later on.

2. Try the 'cold turkey' way.
You are the parent so you have the power to say no and take away the pacifier away. This is one parenting style that works for some families.
Anthony's mom explained to his son, who was turning three, that he had to give up his pacifier after his birthday party because he was a big boy now. The boy remembered how much fun he had on his party and was able to understand that he did not need the pacifier anymore.

3. Make the pacifier taste bad.
Some moms help their young children give up nail-biting by placing something unpleasant on the nai...

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Day 2: Give the child the same message twice but say that it will happen tomorrow. Avoid sounding like you are asking his permission or selling him the idea, but tell it to him in a matter-of-fact manner.

Day 3: This time remind the child that it is Day 3, and time to gather the pacifiers, which will be recycled into toys. The child may be upset, but remember to be firm but empathetic. Most children get over the loss of their binkies within two days.

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