How the Eye Creates Vision

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Sight is one of the most important senses because it allows us to gain knowledge about the wold. Without vision our ability to know what your surroundings are is limited. In this essay I will explain the complex structure of the eye, how it works, the properties of vision, and how heterchromia iridis effects the eye. From this essay the reader will be be able to understand the working of the eye and have a foundation for more advanced knowledge.

The eye has an intricate structure that consists of many parts. The sclera, or whites of the eye works to keep in the inside of the eye dark and also to providing the "casing of the eye." Posterior to the sclera is the cornea which is to protect the eye. In addition it also helps the lens in its function to focus light. Behind the cornea is the Aqueous humor which is a watery gel that fills the empty space between the cornea and iris. The pupil is the opening of the eye that lets light through while the iris, the colored part of the eye, controls how much light is allowed through the pupil. Posterior to the iris, there is the lens, which serves to project the image of the outside world on the retina. The retina acts as the "screen" of the eye and is located on the back near the optic nerve. It "feels" the light, then sends the image to the brain, via optic nerve. The optic nerve is the nerve that sends the image to brain. In front of the retina is the vitreous humor the jelly-like substance that fills the empty space of the eye. This is the inner workings of the eye and it's complicated structure.

The essential part of the eye is the projector that throws the image and the screen that detects the image. For vision to work we must have the lens, cornea pair to act as a projec...

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... it can be cause my trauma to the eye. Anterior uveitis an inflammation of the center if the iris and when your iris becomes inflamed you suffer from iritis and both of these inflammations can cause heterchromia iridis. Six out of 1,000 live with heterchromia every day. Some people only have a mild case of heterchromia iridis, so it is very unnoticeable. Most people who have heterchromia iridis is because the disease is mostly hereditary. Heterchromia iridis does it effect your vision. Heterchromia iridis is a very rare disease, but not harmful.

Hopefully with this essay your knowledge about the eye has been expanded and you have a foundation for later inquiry. Without vision we would not be able to gain knowledge of the world. The structure of the eye, how it works, properties of the eye might be very important should you ever have problems with your eye.

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