How the American Revolution Changed American Society

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At the opening of the American Revolution, in 1775, the American society was tainted with high taxes and a tyrannical king. Politically, the creation of a new constitution, led to the establishment of a new centralized democratic government. Socially, more individuals and groups fought to secure rights for themselves, especially women, slaves, and religious groups. Economically, a method for fixing the national debt, along with a strong agrarian base, would help a slow, but steady improvement to American society. Political, social, and economic aspects of the overall American society were affected so dramatically as to create a new country that is so unlike any nation created before it. Politics had a lot to do with American society, but before and after the Revolution, the political system in America was dramatically changing. While George Washington advocated a motion for neutrality in foreign affairs, in his Farewell Address, his advice was not taken into consideration. As the Speech at the Confederate Council of 1786(Document E) says, the Indians felt as though they were being pushed to the side when it came to friendly relations. In addition, due to disagreements in political issues, a party system formed in Congress, consisting of Democratic-Republicans and Federalists. Being Independent from England, then gave the Americans a lot more freedom to do what they so desired, and also gave the Americans the responsibility to decide on the new laws that would govern them. This sparked the creation of the Constitution. Also, in The Pennsylvania Packet from 1779(Document B), John Dunlap, the publisher, gets fired up about the Loyalists, or Tories. This demonstrates the hatred that the Americans have toward England and that they mus... ... middle of paper ... ... national bank, but in his third, he caught a lot of criticism for. He moved that the economy be based off of manufacturing and not the old ways of depending on farming, to create a well balanced and self-sustaining industrial system. Hamilton’s opposition came from Thomas Jefferson, who promoted the old agrarian based economy. The Medal of the Philadelphia Society for the Promotion of Agriculture (Document F) showed that there was a need for a rural based economy and not completely relying on a new form of manufacturing. It is because of these people and issues that made the American Revolution so impactful to American Society. Progression is even still taking place today, as the War in Iraq is affecting our economy. Every day, the United States becomes even more and more in debt, and people are losing their jobs and all facets of life are affected because of it.

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