Legislation and the European Union

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Certain dynamics emerge in the process of integration of specific policy areas in the European Union member countries: With increasing Europeanization of governing in the multilevel system of governance in the EU, more and more national competences are moved to the European level (vgl. Scharpf 2002, p. 71). During this transfer, an increasing loss of power held by the national parliaments, or rather a shift of power from the national parliaments to the national executives, can be identified (cf. Auel/Benz 2004, p. 2; cf. Hansen/Scholl 2002, p. 3). Parliaments are considered to be the central organ in democracies. Parliaments, which represent the people, pass bills and the executive’s power is derived from the elected parliaments and is also kept in check by said parliaments (cf. Auel/Benz 2004, S. 2). Further, members of the execu-tive are generally the prominent representatives abroad, more specifically during international negotiations (cf. Moravcsik 1994, S. 7). So its not the national parliaments anymore deciding on the EU level, but the national executives. So this trend shifts the power relationship between leg-islative and executive. After a general demonstration of these developments, they will also be illustrated with specific examples. The Danish Folketing is mainly serves this purpose. Also the British House of Com-mons and the German Bundestag are drawn upon to highlight different approaches to this issue. 2 National Parliaments’ loss of power National parliaments experience a loss of power or a shift of power in favor of national execu-tives, because on the European level decisions are mainly made by the national executives – as they represent their respective nation states in foreign affairs – e.g. in the Counc... ... middle of paper ... ...atic deficit. Works Cited Auel, Katrin/Benz, Arthus (2004): National Parliaments in EU multilevel governance – dilemmas and strategies of adaptation. Polis No. 60, Fernuniversität Hagen. Hansen, Troels B./Scholl, Bruno (2002): Europeanization and Domestic Parliamentary Adapta-tion – A Comparative Analysis of the Bundestag and the House of Commons. In: EIoP, Vol. 6, Nr. 15. Moravcsik, Andrew (1994): Why the European Community Strengthens the State: Domestic Politics and International Cooperation. In: Center for European Studies Working Paper Series # 52. Cambridge, MA: Center for European Studies, Harvard University. Scharpf, Fritz W. (2002): Regieren in europäischen Mehrebenensystemen – Ansätze zu einer Theorie. In: Leviathan 30, S. 65-92. Scharpf, Fritz W. (1999): Governing in Europe: effective and democratic? Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press.

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