How Is Going Natural for Women of Color is Beneficial to Them and to Society

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Woman of different races and cultures hair has changed their hairstyles in very unique ways over the past years. Having different hairstyles shows a woman's personality and how they feel comfortable going natural in their own own ways, some women like to switch their hair every once in a while we like to go straight, wavy, curly and with that being said changing our hairstyles shows a woman's individuality we change so we can see how the hair will fit the figure of our face which makes use feel beauteous. Changing the texture of our hair using chemicals can damage it the results of using chemicals are, ‘’ Freedom- ‘’Going natural has to be the most liberating experience . The ability to live carefree without the constant worry of having the picture perfect wrap can give life a brand new meaning, Hair loss (Traction Alopecia)’’ Thinning edges, breakage, and permanent hair loss are the price many black women are willing to pay for straight hair -- but it doesn't have to be this way’’, Breakage’’ Using the same strength of realexeron different textures will produce varying results,. This explains why certain areas of your hair are constantly plagued by breakage despite regular care and maintenance’’, Scalp Damage-’’We all know what it feels like when your relaxer starts to burn. You grit your teeth , sweat starts pouring down your face , and you just pray that you can withstand the tingling sensation long enough to get your roots straight ‘’, Pregnancy- ‘’ Although there are no studies yet show that chemical relaxers have any permanent effect on fetus , trace amounts of these chemicals can be absorbed by the scalp into the bloodstream’’ , Cancer-’’ Relaxers , like cigarettes, are addictive in their own way and generate bi...

... middle of paper ... for ourselves. ’Some women are so self-conscious, so unwilling to let people see them even for one day without their hairstyle, that when it’s time for a new ‘do, they make midnight appointments to ensure a perfect coiffure by the time the rest of the world is rising’’ (Anaya D. Byrd and Lori L. Tharp Foreword by: Melissa Harris – Perry). This quote means that even woman goes to the barber shop to get there hair done even though they can’t make the appointments during the day.

Some women like having naturally curly hair, some women don’t we prefer to straighten our hair. Taking care of curly hair requires the same treatment as of any other hair as for as the different type whether the hair is kinky or even straight. Products can help the hair become curly depending on how much hair solution is used so the hair can become curly

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