Hong Kong’s Cityscape before the Handover in Cultural Texts: A Bitter Pill for the Powerless

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Since Hong Kong was removed from the list of colonies in the United Nations General Assembly in 1972 and the transfer of sovereignty over Hong Kong was about to be brought up, Hong Kong people have developed divided opinions upon the major concern. While some left wing parties were delighted that Hong Kong could return to the motherland, most of the Hong Kongers felt helpless with the unknown future. People were so afraid that they avoided talking about the issue, as if the matter only existed when they discussed it. In the 1970s, except certain authors and scholars, few people were willing to convey their thoughts over the topic. People did not confront the issue until 1990s when the transfer of sovereignty over Hong Kong was officially under discussion. Then, pop songs about the future of Hong Kong became a new trend. In this paper I have chosen《北角汽車渡海碼頭》, a poem by Jaa Si (也斯) and 〈皇后大道東〉, a pop song by Lo Tai-yu to illustrate the bewilderment among Hong Kong people before the handover. The texts are put together for analysis because their depictions of Hong Kong’s cityscape and citizens in dealing with the same topic at different time are not quite the same, though both include helplessness and puzzlement. 《北角汽車渡海碼頭》, a poem written by Jaa Si in 1974, portrayed the poet’s emotions when he was at the pier . Jaa Si was a famous author, but what makes him distinct from other writers is his preference for Hong Kong. Jaa Si loved to confront his hometown and explore the relationship between cityscape and city life, pioneering the development of Hong Kong city poetry. In one of his books, Jaa Si wrote that city, the background of a piece of literature, largely contributed to its production (1985). Jaa Si used the technique of line ... ... middle of paper ... ...log /po st/28563841-%E7%9A%87%E5%90%8E%E5%A4%A7%E9%81%93%E6%9D%B1)。 華語網 (2013年3月17日) 。甚麼是白描、白描手法的特點與運用注意事項 (http://www.thn21.com/base /yuyan /10480.html)。 謝思珩 (2012年4月19日) 。林夕時代曲的意義 (http://cantonpopblog.blog spot.hk/2012/04/blog-post_4940.html)。 Appendix I. 北角汽車渡海碼頭 也斯 寒意深入我們的骨骼 整天在多塵的路上 推開奔馳的窗 只見城市的萬木無聲 一個下午做許多徒勞的差使 在柏油的街道找尋泥土 他的眼睛黑如煤屑 沉默在靜靜吐煙 對岸輪胎廠的火災 冒出漫天裊裊 眾人的煩躁化為黑雲 情感節省電力 我們歌唱的白日將一一熄去 親近海的肌膚 油污上有彩虹 高樓投影在上面 巍峨晃盪不定 沿碎玻璃的痕跡 走一段冷陽的路來到這裡 路牌指向鏽色的空油罐 只有煙和焦膠的氣味 看不見熊熊的火 逼窄的天橋的庇蔭下 來自各方的車子在這裡待渡 II. 皇后大道東 皇后大道西又皇后大道東 皇后大道東轉皇后大道中 皇后大道東上為何無皇宮 皇后大道中人民如潮湧 有個貴族朋友在硬幣背後 青春不變名字叫做皇后 每次買賣隨我到處去奔走 面上沒有表情卻匯聚成就 知己一聲拜拜遠去這都市 要靠偉大同志搞搞新意思 照買照賣樓花處處有單位 但是旺角可能要換換名字 這個正義朋友面善又友善 因此批准馬匹一週跑兩天 百姓也自然要鬥快過終點 若做大國公民只須身有錢 知己一聲拜拜遠去這都市 要靠偉大同志搞搞新意思 冷暖氣候同樣影響這都市 但是換季可能靠特異人士 空即是色 色即是空 空即是色即是色即是空.... 這個漂亮朋友道別亦漂亮 夜夜電視螢幕繼續舊形象 到了那日同慶個個要鼓掌 硬幣上那尊容變烈士銅像 知己一聲拜拜遠去這都市 要靠偉大同志搞搞新意思 會有鐵路城巴也會有的士 但是路線可能要問問何事

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