History of Robots

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Robots designed for war have major advantages- from saving our soldiers to safely disarming explosives to operating in hazardous places like caves or underwater. Therefore without and fear and hesitation they are more likely to successfully carry out missions at a higher rate then human soldiers. Which would make them obvious favorites to dominate ware fields in the for-seeable future. But on the other side there is a legitimate fare that eventually war robots will become more autonomous. This creates chances for major issues in regards to how these robots behave with minds of their own. This research paper will discuss historical, and present information as well as the positives and negatives of the use of robotics in war planning.

The historical backdrop of military robots could be followed over to the times of World War II and the Cold War. It is believed that in 1898 is when the first type of robot was used. The history starts with the innovation of radio-controlled watercraft proposed for military use by Nicola Tesla. He offered his creation to US naval force to prepare radio controlled torpedoes but despite this achievement the war US military declined the offer. After being rejected he then proposed the project to the United Kingdom and they instantly accepted.

The next crucial event that gave a defining moment in the historical backdrop of military robots was during the 1930-ties in the Soviet Union. This was when the Soviet Union made a remote controlled tank called as 'teletank'. As time went on the tank's control framework was changed and to navigate the tank electric transfers and radio signs were used. Dependent upon climate and different conditions teletank could be directed from 500-1500m away. The teletanks ...

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...8-billion-in-2016). With engineers and scientist only scratching the surface of robotic capabilities. It is safe to say that the number will only grow faster as the years go on.

In Conclusion the list of positives and negatives are almost even in terms of robotic use in the military. This is due to the fact that there is still a clear control over the robots being created. The amount of good that comes out of robots helps reduce injury and lives that would other wise have been lost in war. On the flipside side the negatives that come with robotics use in the military paints a very scary future. Problems such as over spending for wars that are pointless when millions of people are homeless, to the issue of robots thinking for themselves all of these things most be taken into strong consideration for the future so that we make sure the humans are still in control.

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