The History Of Cantoria Of Brazilian Caboclo

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Cantoria of Brazilian Caboclo is represented by the different types of singing that are used by the Caboclo. The Caboclo are that part of the population of Brazil that came as a mix of the European and American Indian ancestry. For them, music plays an important role in social festivities, ceremonies and religious rituals, great part of these events are associated with the rural life of this population. Caboclo usually belong to the poor working class that live in the rural areas of the Northeast part of Brazil and is characterized improvised sung contest. Forro is the most popular dance to accompany the Cantoria of Brazilian Caboclo, even though there many other developed music genres related to this population. The most popular assemble of instruments to …show more content…

It has a poetic text which is unique for its strophic forms and themes. Back in the days when Tonada was born, it used to be singed exclusively by females in solo. During the second half of the 20th century it started to be sung even by men. Despite the fact this kind of music used to be performed only in solo, in our days it can be performed even in duets or groups of three or four people. Different kind of Tonadas can be defined by the poetic form used and the occasion for which it is performed.
Cantoria of Brazil Caboclo can be defined by different music styles that have born during the last two hundred years. Cantoria music is mostly sung in duets with the two singers improvising their verses and alternating their strophes in a rhythmic way. The improvisation doesn’t take place just in-between the two singers but even with other participants of the singing occasion. The two contenders are already introduced with the melody of the song before the start of the singing contest, to give them the opportunity of thinking about the improvisation. The contenders make a great effort to get the appreciation of the audience, as the goal of

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