Essay On Hierarchical Structure Of Protein

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Hierarchical Structure of Proteins Molecular Cell Biology. 4th edition, Dec 18th, U.S. National Library of Medicine, This article intends to educate the reader on how exactly proteins function and their structure and how the various components of proteins work together to create one cohesive unit. This passage focuses on the spatial arrangement of proteins emphasizing its importance as key to understanding how exactly proteins work. In summary, this excerpt went over how proteins are a linear polymer of amino acids linked together by peptide bonds. There are various interactions between the amino acids, which are mostly non-covalent, that stabilize the structure of a folded protein. There are 20 unique amino acids found naturally and can be grouped into three categories based off the nature of their R groups located on the side of the amino acids. Hydrophilic, hydrophobic or amino acids with a special R group which are composed of cysteine, glycine and proline. The Alpha helix and beta sheet are the most abundant structures of protein secondary structures. These stabilize hydrogen bonds between atoms and thus the protein …show more content…

It talks about protein structure and goes into detail about its structure emphasizing that its spatial arrangement is key to understanding how proteins work. This information would be most relevant to students studying this topic or people in biotechnology fields manufacturing the next vaccine for some kind of disease. This information would be useful in aiding vaccine development because to create a vaccine through chemical synthesis, scientists must isolate a gene which encodes for an antigen and then find the sequence of amino acids which make up that antigen. Once that is done scientists can assemble a protein molecule chemical by chemical making a wholly synthetic protein to help fight against the

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