Herb Container Gardening

569 Words2 Pages

Herb Container gardening is the good way to have control on your herbs growing next to your doorstep. You can move the container gardens when ever is required. If the herb plant requires sun light it can be shifted to warmer place and back into the shady area after getting too hot. Herb container gardens are used to beautify the surrounding and are very convenient. You can collect fresh herbs just before cooking from your home container garden. At night also it is convenient to collect herbs if it is planted in a container. Herb container garden is very easy to grow and you can grow any type of herb with minimum maintenance. Water requirement is different for different herbs. Some herbs are finicky than some others. So you should take care of it. Herbs container gardening can be successful with appropriate selection of the following things:

• Site for container Herb gardening

• Selection of container

• Potting soil

• Selection of herbs in container

• How to plant

• Maintenance and harvesting

Site for Container Herb Gardening: Mostly the herbs require at least six hours of ...

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