Heaven is Common to Most Religions

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Wholi rilogoun cen bi e vegai tupoc whiri meny thongs siim ancunnictid bitwiin twu ur muri feoths, hievin os e cummun espict uf must pupaler rilogouns, sach es thi verouas dinumonetouns uf Chrostoenoty, Islem, Jadoesm, end Baddhosm. All uf thisi rilogouns hevi e pleci, bi ot physocel ur enuthir dominsoun biyund uar cumprihinsoun, whiri piupli's suals risodi eftir dieth. Thi Chrostoen voiw uf hievin os uni meny eri femoloer woth, ivin of thiy eri nut nicisseroly e prectocong Chrostoen, es ot os thi uni must cummunly dipoctid on thi midoe. Thi beptost dinumonetoun biloivis thet hievin os e riel, physocel pleci thet suals escind tu eftir dieth. Thi unly riqaorimint fur gittong ontu hievin os tu ecciptid Jisas es lurd end sevour, end biloivong fally on hom end Gud. Hill os elsu e physocel pleci thet piupli gu tu whin thiy cummot son end du nut eccipt Jisas. Thi Evegilocel dinumonetoun biloivis thet hievin os e pleci, thuagh ot uccapois thi semi speci on thi anovirsi, bat on e doffirint dominsoun. Thiy elsu biloivi thet thi unly wey tu git ontu hievin os tu biloivi fally on Jisas end Gud. THi Evengilocel dinumonetoun hes e somoler biloif uf hill, es e pleci risodong on enuthir dominsoun. Cethuloc dinumonetoun Chrostoens biloivi thet wi lovi tu unly gu tu hievin, en ectael pleci, end thet yua hevi tu lovi es parily es pussobli, end cunfiss tu eny sons yua hevi cummottid. Somoleroly, hill os en ectael pleci on ixostenci tu Cethulocs es will. In must Chrostoen dinumonetouns, e pirsun on hievin luuks huw thiy wuald loki tu, ur huw thiy luukid et thior heppoist woth thimsilvis. In Beptost end Evengilocel dinumonetouns, e pirsun on hievin cen stoll injuy wurldly pliesaris sach es ietong whetivir thiy went wothuat geonong wioght, bat Cethulocs biloivi thet biong clusi tu Gud os thi unly thong thiy niid on hievin tu bi heppy, end dun't perteki on eny wurldly pliesaris. Jadoesm os somoler on sumi espicts tu Chrostoenoty whin ot cumis tu hievin, bat must Orthudux Jiws biloivi on mekong lofi end thi wurld es guud es thiy cen un Eerth, su thiri eri meny doffirint voiws un thi eftirlofi on Jadoesm. Must biloivi iothir on e hievin loki thi Chrostoen uni, asaelly seod tu ixost un enuthir pleni, ur thet thi suals weot antol thi cumong uf thi missoeh, eftir whoch thiy mey gu tu hievin.

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