The Health Benefits of Urban Green Roof

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In this paper, I consider an effect of green roofs – its mental and spiritual impact on health of residents living in urbanized area.
It is well known that natural open spaces and well-designed greenspaces provide a locus for recreation, social interaction and community action and are highlighted as having a particularly positive influence on health and well-being. Given that urban green spaces are now widely recognized as major contributors both to the quality of the environment, and to human health and well-being, an important question is whether this will move them closer to, or further from, the goal of mental and spiritual health on urban residents. Aside from psychological health benefits, the effect of environmental benefits of urban green space such as reducing the energy required for the building maintenance, increasing sound insulation, fire resistance, increasing in the life span of the roof, providing small-scale green open spaces, wildlife habitat, improving air quality, reducing urban heat island (UHI) effects, and improving storm water attenuation (Syumi and Hamidah, 2012). In addition to the physical benefits on green open spaces, research has also conducted on the physiological manifestations of stress and restoration (Ulrich and Parsons 1992; Ulrich Dimberg, and Driver, 1991). For example, one study used physiological measures to find the correlation between stress-reducing effects of nature scenes in a health-care setting.

This paper first reviews the health benefits of urban green roof and factors determining sustainable development, and then reports a study quantifying the relative influence of mental and spiritual factors on green roof. The theory builds on the basic framework of the environmental psych...

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Ulrich, R. S., Dimberg, V. and Driver, B. L. (1991). 'Psychophysiological indicators of leisure benefits', in Driver, B. L., Brown, P. J. and Peterson, G. L. (eds) Benefits of Leisure. State College, PA, Ventura.
Ulrich, R. S. and Parsons, R. (1992). 'Influences of passive experiences with plants on individual well-being and health', in Relf, D. (ed) The Role of Horticulture in Human Well-being and Social Development. Timber Press, Portland, Oregon pp. 93 - 105.

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