Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling

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What is the most famous recent novel? Many novels are published every year, but actually, there are only a few novels that become famous and popular, and Harry Potter series is one of them. J. K. Rolling who is living in England and got many prizes by this series of books. These books are loved by lots of children, and adults. She hasnft finished writing yet, but I am going to introduce the first one, which is called gHarry Potter and the Philosopherfs Stoneh.

First of all, this book is fiction. The story is stated in the real world, contemporary in England, but the magic is described in this book, so there are wizards, witches, and many kinds of creatures. Of course, there are normal humans too, but they are called Muggles who donft have magic power, so they donft show up so much. Anyway, the story of this book is about Harry, who lost both parents when he was one year old, and his first life at Hogwarts School, which is for young wizards and witches. The story begins at Mr and Mrs Dursleyfs home, where Harry has lived since his parents were killed by an evil wizard named Load Voldemort. Harry is living there because Mrs. Dursley is his aunt, but this family really hates magic things, so they turn sour to him. One day, he gets a letter from Hogwarts, then, he realizes himself that he is a wizard, and he decides to go to the school. After Harry starts his new life at Hogwarts, he makes friends, learns much kind of magic, and knows about himself and his parents. Then, one day, he knows about philosopherfs stone, and also Load Voldemort is seeking it.

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