Hamsters vs. Guinea Pigs As Pets

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Parents often wonder what makes a good first pet. Hamsters are often the first choice while its close relative the guinea pig is often overlooked. While both creatures are loveable, the bigger guinea pig makes a better pet for children.

At a pet store the guinea pig will cost roughly three times as much as a hamster. If cost is a large concern, pigs and hamsters alike can be adopted for little to no cost and sometimes come with free cages. Naturally, the guinea pig as the larger rodent will need a bigger cage; however, after putting all sorts of tubes on a hamster cage they will take up about the same amount of space and the hamster cage could end up costing a bit more than that of the pig’s. The guinea pig will consume more food and require more bedding all of which will add up to a larger sum of money, despite this it only costs a few dollars more a month. These initial and ongoing costs while negligible will steer some people away from the venerable guinea pig.

Most care for both rodents is virtually identical. The bedding will need to be changed weekly and the food and...

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