Half Brother by Holli Chang

711 Words2 Pages

Ben - He is the main character, he is also the one telling the story about what happened to his family and Zan. At the beginning of the story, Ben didn’t want or like Zan. He thought he would take up too much of his time and be annoying. As the story progressed, he began to like Zan and they continued bonding together and eventually became best friends. As the story ended, Ben became the kind, loving person that got to keep and protect Zan.
Richard Tomlin - He is the father who is working on a Doctorate. He is also trying to prove to the world that animals can understand and learn American Sign Language. At the beginning of the story, he was not there for Zan; but as the project grew he began to like Zan. At the end, he sacrificed his own time and money to protect Zan.
Mrs. Tomlin - She is protective mother that loves Zan and doesn’t want to make any compromises for Zan. She wants to protect Zan and make him think he is human. Toward the end of the book, she lets Zan go for him to have a better life. Then she tries to get him back once she finds out they are going to send him to an animal testing facility.
Zan - He is a chimp and the other main character. Zan at the beginning, was scared and didn’t want to learn how to sign. But as he grew familiar with his new family and surrounds, he started to sign to get what he wanted and communicate with his family. Towards the middle of the book, the Tomlin’s decided that Zan wasn’t using ASL like he was supposed to, so they ended the project. Soon after, they decided they wanted him back. They brought him back and sent him to a sanctuary.

Some of the main ideas in Half Brother are love and friendship. As time goes on, the Tomlin family begin to lo...

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... or condition
- (Connotative) makes you feel good; to help someone get better

Coward - (Denotative) to cringe in fear
- (Connotative) scared

Submission - (Denotative) the act of something to the power of another ; the state of having submitted
- (Connotative) surrender, meek or scared

Paddock - (Denotative) a fenced area usually near a stable, used chiefly for grazing horses
- (Connotative) a stable, farm yard/farm

Clutched - (Denotative) to grasp or hold tightly
- (Connotative) to hold or grab

Instinct - (Denotative) an inborn pattern of behavior that is characteristic of a species and is often a response to specific environmental stimulant
- (Connotative) gut feeling

Sanctuary - (Denotative) a sacred place such as a church or temple.
- (Connotative) peace happness

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