Guido Van Rossum: How Python Changed My Life

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Python is one of the most commonly used programming languages in the field. According to Van Rossum this is because “Python is remarkably free from many of the hang-ups of conventional programming languages. This is perhaps due to my choice of examples: besides ABC, my main influence was Modula-3.” When compared to C or any other language, Python is much easier to use because it is so free of hang ups and the coding is so much shorter than any other language allows. Python uses indentation or “white space” in its code instead of using a bracket or brace like C++. For example a normal indentation show the beginning of a new block of code or a bigger white space shows that it is the end of a block of code. You can also reuse code and it has better readability than the other languages. Python has led Guido van Rossum to many new opportunities in his life and career. (1996) “Today, I can safely say that Python has changed my life. I have moved to a different continent. I spend my working days developing large systems in Python, when I'm not hacking on Python or answering Python-related email. There are Python T-shirts, workshops, mailing lists, a newsgroup, and now a book.”(Rossum) He has …show more content…

Hewlett Packard, AT&T, and Lucas film studios all use Python for their programming needs (Langley, 2001). As one of the most popular programming languages for the last few years, python had given Guido van Rossum many opportunities for growth in his career path. From Google to DropBox and even a proposal to DARPA to research open source coding, the future possibilities for him are limitless. It is most often suggested (on many of the websites I reviewed at least) that someone start to learn to program with Python. In true Python fashion, creator Guido van Rossum’s favorite end to everything is “Take it away, Eric, the orchestra leader!” from Monty Pythons Flying Circus. (Rossum, 1996, Programming Python 1st ed.

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