Greek God's and Love

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God’s and Love
Aeneas and Dido are manipulated by the forces of love and the god’s this inhibits them from acting differently which ultimately lead to Dido’s death and Aeneas’s departure from Carthage. Juno, Amor, Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury force their will upon Aeneas and Dido. The decisions that Aeneas and Dido make are a reflection of what the god’s want them to do. Virgil depicts love as an outside force that acts upon mortals. Love plays a huge role in Book IV as it affects the lives and emotions of pious Aeneas and Dido.
The god’s are manipulating Dido and Aeneas into doing what they want them to do. It’s challenging for Dido and Aeneas to have any control over their actions. Dido had no choose but to fall in love with Aeneas. Cupid’s arrow shot incited a love within Dido that would in time make her go mad out of love for Aeneas. Juno plays a crucial role as she was the one that separated Dido from her court and lured Dido and Aeneas to a cave were she prepared a wedding ceremony. Now Dido believes they are married because of what they have done in the cave. Afterwards, Jup...

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