Globalization: Diverse Recruitment in Organizations, Questions and Answer

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Q1 Into

The only thing we all have in common, is that we are different. GLobalisation has been sweeping the world since the early 1990s. The rise of technology has allowed us to connect with people all over the world. In leaps and bounds, technology has brought everyone on earth closer, creating a global village, where you can speak to someone through a computer, instantaneously, as if you were face to face with them. Populations have begun to diversify, as travel is easier and many people are branching our of their home nation. The effect of globalisation has no bounds, it has changed how we live, and it has definitely changed the way we operate in organisations. Toda y’s workplace has become increasingly diverse in terms of gender, age, culture, and

ethnicity. Many organisations are utilizing technology to create a 24 hour work force, and are opening up an unlimited mount of human capital through international recruitment. Diversity has become a very important issues to management in organisations, as it can work very well, or it can fail. Diversity management, sometimes referred to as affirmative action is becoming more and more important, in its benefits to organisations.

There are many ways to recruit and retain diverse employees. Through many practises, organisations are enhancing their self image from the inside out. The reasons for recruiting diverse employees are many, what will be focused on is the the benefits of a more diverse team. Creativity and higher productivity are just some of the benefits attributed to more diverse teams. The reasons why are many, the methods are just as many. Culture sensitive and focused recruitment programs are just one of the strategies used by organisations. Mirroring the organisati...

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...iversity will result in communication problems, the potential for increased organizational conflict, and a high degree of value incongruence among members of the organisations (Hopkins 1994). Training programs that are most effective are those that are designed improve interpersonal skills of members of the organisation as well as managers. Moreover, training initiatives that assist employees in understanding and valuing cultural differences also prove quite popular in organisations. This is crucial for success in a diverse organisation, as understanding and appreciating cultural differences enhances the benefits of diversity. Programs aimed at incorporating diversity into corporate culture and the other programs discussed are very beneficial at ensuring diversity is well managed in the organisation and that that diversity is retained. (enhancing the organisation)

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