Global Warming

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“Global warming is an increase in the earth's temperature due to fossil fuels, industry, and agricultural processes caused by human, natural, and other gas emissions” (EPA). Our world has gone through several stages in its lifetime. It takes time to deal and cope with changes, just like anything else. Over the years, the earth has been gradually getting warmer due to pollution. Humans, however, were slow to take the necessary actions to prevent it from getting any worse. Due to the ignorance of people we are on the edge of a very dramatic change, Global Warming. If we continue to go on with our lives, ignorant to the consequences of our actions, we will face drastic and devastating loss.

Human activities add to the levels of these gasses, causing more problems. “Automobiles, heat from homes and businesses, and factories are responsible for about 80% of today's carbon dioxide emissions, 25% of methane emissions, and 20% of the nitrous oxide emissions" (Thinkquest). In the future, it will be hard to produce food. When Global warming really starts causing detrimental problems, we will have droughts and floods rather often, not allowing crops to grow. Another issue is acid rain, which will kill many of the crops as well. Not having enough food will cause major health problems to billions of people. Also, the air that we breathe will be full of carbon dioxide. This could cause people to obtain hypercapnia, “the physical condition of having the presence of an abnormally high level of carbon dioxide in the circulating blood” (WordNet). Food and oxygen are absolute necessities, and without them we will not be able to survive.

“Limited land will also be a problem. In a matter of years when global warming has melted most of the glac...

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... cooperation from citizens, further science developments, and the government, mankind can slow the effect of global warming.

Works Cited

Thinkquest. "Save The Earth's Future." Oracle. Web. 30 Mar. 2011.

Princeton University "About WordNet." WordNet. Princeton University. 2010.

Lavin. "Global Warming « Landorian Road." Landorian Road. 2007. Web. 30 Mar. 2011.

"Basic Information | Climate Change | U.S. EPA." US Environmental Protection Agency. Web. 29 Mar. 2011. .

Woodard, C. (2007, February 1). Curbing climate change. CQ Global Researcher, 1, 25-48. Retrieved from

"Kyoto Protocol." United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Web. 29 Mar. 2011. .

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