The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams

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Throughout The Glass Menagerie Laura is presented as an extremely shy and sensitive person. This play also describes her personal fears, hopes, and dreams. Her shyness is emphasized even more by being contrasted with her mother Amanda's forceful and almost brutal nature and actions towards Laura.We clearly are made aware almost immediately of Laura's overly sensitive nature. Laura can be characterized by her loneliness, sensitivity, trapped feelings, and outcast.
Laura has no gentlemen callers and feels very isolated from the rest of the world in many ways. In her childhood, she walked through school trying to escape the reality of being “ disabled.” Horrified of people and their thoughts of her, she made her way to her classes, “ And everybody was seated before I came in. I had to walk in front of all those people. My seat was in the back row. I had to go clumping all the way up the aisle with everybody watching!”(VII.104). The other characters within the play seem to think of Laura as some kind of rare animal due to her actions and fear of people. Laura removes herself from school when she makes bad grades, “I made bad grades on my final examinations.”(VII.166). She also refuses to properly open the door and makes excuses so she will not have to face Jim when he comes to visit and have dinner, “ I can’t . . .I’m sick . . .Oh, Oh, Oh . . .” (VI.55,56,59). The loneliness Laura has is carried out through the play, especially when she comes to find out that Jim is engaged to another woman and cannot be with her. She goes back to her own little world so that no one can hurt her and she can protect her glass menagerie.
Laura’s physical and emotional sensitivity can be seen throughout the play of The Glass Menagerie. One example ...

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...tepping out of her comfort zone, may seem harmful she can be normal is she really tries.
Despite the fact that Laura has her own problems, she exhibits pure compassion towards others. Laura has the least amount of lines in the play which presents her selflessness. Characters with The Glass Menagerie seem to assume that, like a piece of gossamer glass, which is colorless until light shines upon it, Laura can take on whatever color they would like her to. Other view her as an exotic creature, rather quaintly foreign and secluded to the rest of the society. In the end of the play She is left in her own little unique world with her glass menagerie to be take care of and that she feels accepts her. Laura goes back to what is now "normal" for her - the world she has created with her glass menagerie of unique animals.

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The Glass Menagerie

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