Gender Roles, Hair, & Relationship Problems

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It is a broadly known fact that throughout history women have been subjected to oppression and sexism. Before researching into the unfair treatment of women in U.S. history, I was one of many who believed sexism, although not yet demolished all together, had been downscaled since the early 1900’s when “the position of women in our society was, in many respects, comparable to that of blacks under the pre-Civil War slave codes.” (Kang, 8, Quoted by Bradley in Bradwell, 62). My findings and realizations from personal experience made me aware that women are still subjected to many unfair expectations. We still, in our society place a lot of emphasis on gender and what is appropriate, or expected of each; though it is now subtle. We often unknowingly tell ourselves “its just how it is” without opening our eyes to what we are really doing and contributing to as a male or female; with this “it Is how it is” mindset we stick ourselves into our roles based on our biological sex, depending on whether we are male or female we either dominate or submit to the other sex because much of society is accustomed to this, when one does not comply to their expected gender role, friction between the two can arise.

Sex and Temperament by Margaret Mead provides an explanation as to why many of us genuinely believe things regarding our sex should be a certain way based off of whether we are male or female; it is inflicted on us since birth by society. She describes the purpose of sex difference to be used as a “one theme in the plot of social life” our society in particular makes “great use” of this plot “It assigns different roles between the two sexes, surrounds them from birth with an expectation of different behavior, plays out the whole drama o...

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Greer, Germaine. "Masculinity." A World of Ideas: Essential Readings for College Writers. By Lee A. Jacobus. 8th ed. Boston: Bedford/St.Martin's, 2010. 899-902. Print.

Kang, John M. "The Burdens Of Manliness." Harvard Journal of Law & Gender 33.2 (2010): 477-508. EBSCO Host. Web. 13 Mar. 2012. .

Mead, Margaret. "Sex and Temperament." A World of Ideas: Essential Readings for College Writers. By Lee A. Jacobus. 8th ed. Boston: Bedford/St.Martin's, 2010. 855-71. Print.

Walkenbach, John. "The Good Wife's Guide." Editorial. Good Housekeeping 13 May 1955. J-Walk & Associates Home Page. Web. 13 Mar. 2012.


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