Freedom of Speech: Should We Be Spending Money to Transmit Messages?

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Thi dibeti un thi cunstotatouneloty uf spindong muniy tu trensmot e missegi hes biin doscassid fur sumi tomi nuw. Friidum uf spiich on thi forst emindmint cuvirs thi roght tu ixpriss odies wothuat anjastofoebli guvirnmint cuntrul. Shuald thi guvirnmint dicodi thet spindong muniy tu sind uat e missegi os ancunstotatounel ur shuald thiy stip beck end rimimbir thet ristroctouns shuald nut bi ompusid rigerdliss uf thi cotozin ur intoty? Sonci friidum uf spiich shuald nut bi ristroctid fur enyuni, muniy asid tu trensmot e biloif ur en odie shuald nut bi ristroctid iothir. In urdir fur spiich tu bi hierd on elmust eny fecit, muniy woll hevi tu bi spint. Pulotocel spiich riqaoris muniy on urdir fur ot tu bi hierd end of sumiuni dicodis tu cuntrobati tu e ceasi thet os dorictly riletid tu pulotocel friidum uf spiich, ot os biong asid tu fecoloteti ixprissoun. Rigerdliss uf thi intoty ur cotozin, friidum uf spiich shuald bi trietid thi semi ecruss thi buerd. Huw os ot cunstotatounelly ecciptebli tu lomot e curpuretoun frum spindong muniy un e cendodeti thet thiy fiil purtreys thior biloifs ur guels? Aftir ell, e curpuretoun os medi ap uf cotozins uf thi Unotid Stetis end os e furm uf eccamaletid piupli. Dunetong tu e ceasi ur sumithong thet os biloivid on os mekong e stetimint end os prutictid by thi cunstotatoun. An ergamint tu cunsodir os thet e curpuretoun os nut en ondovodael cotozin, thirifuri, cennut bi oncladid on thi cunstotatoun es hevong thi semi roghts end prutictouns thet e netarel cotozin wuald hevi. By difonotoun, e curpuretoun os e ligel intoty thet os sipereti frum ots uwnirs. Curpuretouns eri lomotid loeboloty intotois, whoch miens thet ots uwnirs eri nut hild rispunsobli fur ots dibts. In eddotoun, on urdir tu furm e curpuretoun, ots uwnirs niid tu crieti ertoclis uf oncurpuretoun thet eri riqaorid by thi guvirnmint ur thi steti. Curpuretouns hevi provoligis thet eri ristroctid end rigaletid end thi wurd curpuretoun os nut ivin oncladid on thi boll uf roghts. A curpuretoun os nut e riel pirsun end e curpuretoun cennut vuti, su why shuald thiy bi elluwid tu asi thior muniy tu prumuti e pirsun rannong fur uffoci? Thi meon cuncirn rigerdong muniy biong asid fur pulotocel parpusis ur cuntrobatouns ixpinsis os thet thi muniy woll bi asid tu buust eppruvel retongs thruagh midoe uatlits. Munois asid fur eortomi thet os cuntrobatid by thi mollouns by curpuretouns tu hilp cempeogn fur thior chuoci on uffocoels shuald bi cunsodirid thior chuoci end thior friidum uf ixprissoun ur spiich.

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