Is Intelligence Worth On The Scale Of Intelligence?

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I was sitting in my biology class barely about to fall asleep, when I glanced to my right and found that half my class had already beat me to it. This was actually surprising for me, being in an advanced class and seeing all these bright students with amazing grades burrowing their heads into their folded arms, avoiding eye contact with the teacher, hoping that they can get some shut eye for at least thirty seconds maybe a minute if they are lucky. This spectacle of seeing students who were considered intelligent, sleeping in class begged the question, how. They could study after the class, but that would seem counter productive, not to mention that these high caliber students probably have other activities. This must mean that they study …show more content…

Because when it comes to real life, the world is not filled with multiple options and one of them being right, rather the world and way that we interact with it is filled with variable and factors that may seem small but alter a situation. This is where intelligence's new categorization should stem from. People in a society should be rated on a scale of intelligence based on their ability to understand the subject matter’s of what they are learning, remember it, and one’s ability to apply this knowledge rather spit the information out is what should be valued. This will help society as a whole because, when we look to society today we see that people understand information from the textbook, but thats it, they do not know how to expound the knowledge that have acquired into real world …show more content…

Rather this system would implement a methods such as real world problem solving, such as a hypothetical, problem solving scenarios. For example, in biology class, the students should have to design and conduct a lab, report data and produce a conclusion, based off of what they have learned, success on such a test would prove that memorization of information or rudimentary knowledge were not the reason for success. We can also look to people, real world tests to see how one’s theoretical knowledge will apply to life. These tests would go beyond the occasional word problem in math class, rather it would be problems in life that could be solved with the interaction given. For example, in history class, you would told to analyze a current political structure, and say why and how it failed in comparison to another. This allow the teacher to know that they student understood the question, understood the studied government and it’s successes enough to properly answer the question. The point not being lets change the tests. Rather tests change how we look at intelligence in students, tests and performance on them is just a large indicator of intelligence as it stands. But standardized tests don’t replicate how someone might be able to react and solve an situation where application of

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