Exploring Issues of Conflict Resolution

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TITLE The purpose of this paper is to explore issues of conflict resolution [using mediation as a conflict resoltion against police culture. related to culture and power imbalance with minority population and the police culture. LeBaron (1997) argues that people who are privileged or members of one or more dominant groups encounter less problems and lower-intensity conflicts compared to the disadvantaged society see conditions as incendiary. This paper argues that ethnocultural minority groups populations are at a disadvantage with society compared to white culture and policing. The following sub-issues are ...______________ James (1998) states that police culture is the culture of the police force that reinforce the discourse “we and them” philosophy. Negative stereotypes that the police hold against the ethnic minorities reproduce the group's behaviours as a more predictable phenomenon that reduces the unexpected which predisposes enforcement agents to enter encounters with members of the ethnic groups with a negative n close-minded attitude (James, 1998). With the binary polarization, society against the police force, all police follow the norms of policing which reinforces the racist values so as a police, one maintain the policies and practices of their profession regardless what that agent cultural background is. For instance, a Black police officier may over patrol an ethnocultural community that has many Blacks and it is because he is following the norms of policing culture. Most police that have been recruited from minority cultural backgrounds are expected to have attitudes that include distrust of immigrants and minorities (James, 1998). First and foremost, The news report that will be explored is about a ethno-... ... middle of paper ... ...er the resistance of others. It wrong and selfish. The structure of Canadian society allows different cultures to vary in handling conflict. This society relies on governement legal system that have formal authority and hierarchy like cops to that deal with problems (Mayer, 2000). Works Cited ames, C. (1998). ‘Up to no good’: Black on the streets and encountering police. Racism and Social Inequality in Canada: Concepts, Controversies and Strategies of Resistance, Toronto, Thompson, 157-176. LeBaron, M. (1997). Intercultural disputes. Mediation, conflict resolution, and multicultural reality: culturally competent practice. Mediation and Conflict Resolution: in Social Work and the Human Services. Edward Kruk (Ed.) Chicago: Nelson-Hall. Mayer, B. (2000). Culture and conflict. In the dynamics of conflict resolution. (Chapter 4). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Inc.

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