Exploring Eye Motion and Models of Head Centered Motion Perception

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1.4 Combining Afferent and Efferent Signals: Models of head centred motion perception.

Sensory signals relating information about our physical movements, as well as information regarding external object motion, are required in order to preserve a stable and accurate view of the world, and estimate external motion. Space constancy is the visual system’s ability to maintain a view of the outside world that does not jump about and move with an eye movement (Deubel, Bridgeman, & Schneider, 1998; Stark & Bridgeman, 1983). A simple way of achieving this is to add the velocity estimates that are derived from afferent and efferent motion signals. The sum of these estimates would result in head-centred motion. For instance, the image on the retina of stationary objects in the world would gain a motion opposite and equal to any eye movement. As suggested above, reafferent retinal motion should provide a velocity estimate of similar magnitude to the efferent estimates of eye movement. If these two estimates are equal to one another, but have opposite sign, then their sum would correctly suggest null motion.

Figure 1.2 shows a simple schematic detailing the combination or retinal information and eye velocity estimates to generate a perceived motion direction. This diagram is analogous to figure 1.1, showing the integration of signals from a lower ‘detector’ level, at the eye movement and retinal velocity estimate level, and later at an integrator stage, after which the motions have been transformed into the perceived direction. This diagram also illustrates the focus of chapters 2, 3 and 4. Chapter 2 investigates the motion aftereffect (see adaptation section) which follows simultaneous retinal motion and repetitive smooth pur...

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..., 1994). If the extra-retinal signal is altered by the OKN signal, both the eye movement velocity and the perceived velocity alter accordingly. Other evidence does not support an optokinetic potential model, since the predicted changes to optokinetic potential were not observed when background contrast and spatial frequency were manipulated (Sumnall, Freeman & Snowden, 2003). However, the concept that stimulus characteristics which initiate reflexive eye movements could interfere with the voluntary smooth pursuit signal is interesting. The optokinetic-potential model is here considered as an extension of the classical model, since the extra-retinal origin of the pursuit estimate is maintained. Other models have questioned the purely extra-retinal nature of the pursuit speed estimate, and an alternative which includes reafferent information has been proposed.

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