Exploring Energy Resources

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A fossil fuel is something-such as coal or a gas-that is now the remains of the once living organisms. Those organisms formed in the geological past. (Illinois Coal Association, 2013)
Coal is an important resource that we use in our lives. Coal is something that we use all the time. Coal produces energy when burned, which then powers what we use, want and in some cases, need. (Illinois Coal Association, 2013)
Coal is generally a dark colored rock. When burned—it produces heat. The chemical make-up of coal is Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Sulfur. It also contains very small amounts of other minerals such as Aluminum and Zirconium. Coal is combustible—which means it can catch fire and burn very easily. (Tribal Energy and Environmental Information—CLEARINGHOUSE, 2013)
There are two different ways that coal can be mined. One way to mine for Coal is underground Mining—which sometimes is also known as Deep Mining. Most are not aware that over the more recent years, we have made much significant advancements regarding the computerization and mechanization of operations. The technological advancements have made a dramatic effect on the efficiency of deep mining. When the beds of coal, or ‘coal seams’ are 200 feet or farther down under the surface, is when deep mining is considered “required”. Most of the mines in the United States are 1,000 feet or less. There are a few that go as deep as 2,000 feet. Miners are transported into these mines from the surface. By elevators. The cars that these miners are on are cars that are on railroad tracks, traveling down into the earth on a sloped entrance. (Illinois Coal Association, 2013)
Deep mining can be very troublesome at times. It is of high importance to keep the deep mines highly v...

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• clean energy ideas. (2013, November 20). The cost of geothermal energy. Retrieved from http://www.clean-energy-ideas.com/geothermal/geothermal-energy/the-cost-of-geothermal-energy
• Conserve Energy Future. (2013, November 21). Disadvantages of geothermal energy. Retrieved from http://www.conserve-energy-future.com/Disadvantages_GeothermalEnergy.php
• conserve energy future. (2013, november 21). Advantages of geothermal energy. Retrieved from http://www.conserve-energy-future.com/Advantages_GeothermalEnergy.php
• http://www.conserve-energy-future.com/151-ways-to-save-energy.php
• http://www.conserve-energy-future.com/GeothermalEnergyCost.php
• Geothermal Time and the Future Energy Source. (2013, November 22). Political effects of geothermal energy. Retrieved from http://geothermaltime.weebly.com/political-affects-of-geothermal-energy.html

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