Everything in its Place

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Setting up a classroom is easily the hardest thing for most teachers to do. Without out knowing the specific needs of the class, a teacher has to create a room that is accessible, safe, and engaging to all the students who might enter the classroom. Keeping those goals in mind is the key to having a great classroom environment.

While there is often only one year difference between kindergarten and pre-kindergarten students the room requirements and setup are very different. Pre-kindergarten classes focus more on a student’s social and emotional growth and development. In today’s kindergarten classroom, the focus is shifting to a more academic setting. Students are expected to spend most of the day doing more direct learning instead of learning through play and exploration. While both of these grades have some many similarities in the types of areas that need to be created, each one requires a slightly different setup.

For large group instruction a carpet can be used to define the area. Having a carpet that is big enough to fit everyone in the class helps students feel a sense of belonging. It also gives each student a defined space to sit in, without imposing on another student’s personal space. The class rules and behavior chart should also be posted near the large group area so it is easy to see and use.

The other group area that should be set up, with or without a separate carpet, is an area in front of a large computer monitor. The monitor can be hooked up to the teacher’s computer allowing students to see what is on the screen, without having to crowd around a typically small computer screen. The teacher can share video clips, animated story books, and do typed shared writing activities. If the monitor has a touch scre...

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...g help students encourages a love of learning. Putting all of these pieces into a classroom will help all students learn and grow.


Brantley, C. (2011, January). What Will You See in a Quality Early Childhood Learning Environment? Retrieved September 14, 2011, from Imagination Soup: http://imaginationsoup.net/2011/01/what-will-you-see-in-a-quality-early-childhood-learning-environment/

Garrett, S. (n.d.). Early Childhood/Family Education Programs. Retrieved September 14, 2011, from Oklahoma State Department of Education: http://sde.state.ok.us/Programs/ECEduc/pdf/EarlyChildLearnEnv.pdf

Gartrell, D. (2007). A Guidance Approach for the Encouraging Classroom. Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.

US Department of Education. (n.d.). Readig First. Retrieved September 14, 2011, from US Department of Education: http://www2.ed.gov/programs/readingfirst/index.html

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