Events Industry's Impact on Regional Development

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After researching the impacts events have on regional development I have come to agree with the statement ‘The events industry is an effective and appropriate vehicle for facilitation of regional development’. The significance of this thesis is to critically discuss and demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the events industry and regional development while also providing an understanding of the history of events and the increasing significance of the event industry in contemporary society. Real life examples from around the world are used to recognize and justify the event industry as part of the tourism sector and explore specific implications to event management. Various sectors of the events industry are identified and discussed to support the theoretical discussion on how the events industry is an effective and appropriate vehicle for facilitation of regional development.

Global events benefit regional, tourism and community development. Take for instance the Commonwealth Games and the Olympics. They both are events held globally that increase visitor’s expenditure and length of stay while improving destination awareness and increasing civic pride. Janecko, Mules and Ritchie (2002) explain events in small regional destinations are obviously beneficial and often play an important role in tourism development and thereby in regional development however, differ due to size and scale of the event. Global events create employment and increase labour supply, expenditures and even the standard of living. ‘As local economics have adapted to changing to global dynamics, the hosting of international events has become more commonplace and can play a significant role in local development, acting as a catalysts for jo...

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