Comparing Pandora And Eve In Greek Mythology

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In the bible, Eve was the first woman on the face of the earth. In Greek mythology, Pandora was the first woman on earth. Both are curious, and end up doing something the wrong way. I chose Eve and Pandora because they seemed very interesting to me, and they both give good lessons about temptation. In Greek mythology, Pandora was the first woman on earth. Zeus asked Hephaestus, the god of craftsmanship, to create a girl they would then name Pandora. Hephaestus made Pandora using clay. “Zeus summoned the gods and asked them each to give her a gift.” (Heroes, Gods and Monsters of the Greek Myths, Page 59) Many gods gave her talents and looks, and this is why Pandora means, “All-gifted.” Pandora was given a box that she was not allowed …show more content…

Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden. Trees, plants, and fruit grew in the Garden of Eden. God told Adam and Eve that they could eat any fruit they choose, except for “the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.” One day, a snake came to Eve and said that she should eat the fruit, and that it will make Eve wise. The snake told her to not listen to God, and try the fruit. The fruit looked good, and Eve ate some, and then shared with Adam. Later, God found out, and punished Adam and Eve by sending them out of the garden forever. “Therefore the Lord sent them out of the Garden of Eden till the ground from which they were taken.” (Genesis 3:23) It was the snake’s temptation that led Eve to eat the fruit, and God’s punishment is that the earth is now …show more content…

She was specifically told to never open the box. Since Hera gave Pandora the gift of curiosity, she couldn’t help but wonder what could be inside. She thought that anything could be in the box, maybe something she really wanted. Pandora really wanted to know, and was tempted to open the box, but knew she shouldn’t. “What inside that box seemed to her now the very secret of life, which she must look upon or die” (Heroes, Gods and Monsters of the Greek Myths, Page 61). Pandora’s curiosity that Hera had given her, led to having Pandora open the box. She let out all of the evils into the world that are here today, known as violence. Pandora’s story relates very much to the story of Eve in the bible. Eve was tempted by the snake in the Garden of Eden to eat a special fruit off the tree of good and evil. Earlier, God had told Eve to eat any fruit off of any tree in the Garden of Eden, except for one tree that the snake had told her to try. Eve was tempted, and Pandora was curious. Both are given a gift that they didn’t appreciate fully, and both did not listen to the instructions given to them. They both took somewhat selfish actions that lead to evils and destruction to not only themselves, but to all

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