Euthanasia Should Be Legal

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Euthanasia is the painless killing of a patient who is suffering from a painful and incurable disease. There are several types of euthanasia that a patient can go through. The first type is known as voluntary euthanasia. This is when the patient has fully agreed to giving up their life and is usually suffering from a disease that is inflicting unbearable pain upon them. The patient refuses to take their medication, they will not eat, or they request that their life support machines be shut down. The second type is in non-voluntary euthanasia. This is when the patient is suffering from an irreversible coma, they are too young to communicate, or they do not possess the mental capacity to make their own decisions. So the doctor or family decides to take the patient off their life support. The last type of euthanasia is involuntary euthanasia. This is when the victim wishes to live but doesn’t get their way. This is usually the case when the person is in a situation that they know they aren’t going to survive so they take the easy way out and commit suicide or have someone else do it for them. For example, if a soldier in war is bleeding out due to a lost limb and does not have the sufficient tools or medication to sustain his well-being, he might decide to commit suicide rather than suffer from the unbearable pain. (BBC)

Voluntary euthanasia falls into 2 categories once the patient has decided to choose suicide. Passive voluntary euthanasia is when the doctor continues life supporting procedures but prescribes his or her patient with a medicine that will become toxic when taken the prescribed amount of time. After several doses the patient will slowly and painlessly die. This, in most cases, is not even referred as euthanasia due ...

... middle of paper ... It would also help to get more patients in the hospital with diseases or injuries that have a chance of being cured rather than a patient with an irreversible coma take up space with no hope of coming out of their coma (The World Federation of Right to Die Societies).

Works Cited

BBC. Voluntary and Involuntary Euthanasia. 2014. web. 17 Jan 2014.

Life. Alternatives to Euthanasia. 2011. web. 17 Jan 2014.

Medical News Today. What is euthanasia (assisted Suicide)? 19 Mar 2010. web. 17 Jan 2014.

Newton, Heather. "Euthanasia: Overview." Points of View: Euthanasia (2013). web.

Oregon Health Authority. n.d. web. 17 Jan 2014.

The World Federation of Right to Die Societies. What is the Difference Between Assisted Dying and Euthanasia? n.d. web. 17 Jan 2014.

Wisconsin Right to Life. Where is it Legal in the U.S.? 2014. web. 17 Jan 2014.

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