Euthanasia: An Ethical Dilema

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Medical advances over the past hundred years have extend the life expectancy astronomically. Medicine provides hope that in the event of an “accident” we can be sure everything will be done to preserve our life, and that the healthcare community will exhaust all possibilities and resources in trying to accomplish this goal. Healthcare also give the reassurance of palliative care to ensure the remaining time on Earth is a painless as possible. However, there are those moments when medicine cannot achieve the goals it sets out to. There are times when the pain is still too much handle. It is during these times in which an individual should be able to decide if they wish to continue on. Physician assisted suicide, while ensuring all safeguards and last resort options such as palliative care are met, gives patients an important additional option to their end of life care.
Background / Presentation of Ethical Theory:
Webster’s defines euthanasia as, “the act or practice of killing or permitting the death of hopelessly sick or injured individuals (as persons or domestic animals) in a relatively painless way for reasons of mercy.”
According to the principalism theory, principalism uses key ethical principles of beneficence (do good), nonmaleficence (do no harm), autonomy (respect for the person’s ability to act in his or her own best interests), and justice in the resolution of ethical conflicts or dilemmas. Fidelity (faithfulness) and veracity (truth telling) are also important ethical principles that may be at work in managing ethical dilemmas. (Chitty & Black, 2011) This theory can be applied when discussing euthanasia. The first part of this theory is to do “good”. When a patient is experiencing unrelenting pain a...

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...ol is important, who anticipate the negative aspects of dying, and who believe that the impeding loss of self, abilities, and quality of life will be intolerable.” (Linda Ganzini, MD, MPH, Elizabeth R. Goy, PhD & Steven K. Dobscha, MD, 2008) For these patients euthanasia was a way to provide them with control—control of the last remaining aspect of their life, to die with dignity.

Works Cited

Chitty, K., & Black, B. (2011). Professional nursing concepts and challenges. (6 ed., pp. 107-108). Chapel Hill: Elsevier.
Euthanasia. ProCon.Org. (2013). Euthanasia. Retrieved from
Linda Ganzini, MD, MPH.,Elizabeth R. Goy, PhD, & Steven K. Dobscha, MD, (2008). Why oregon patients request assisted death: Family members’ views. Society of General Internal Medicine, 23(2), 154-157. doi: 10.1007/s11606-007-0476-x

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