Ethics in the Workplace

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Introduction When we talk of ethics, we mean moral issues that govern a person or group of people. For example, Accountants have the code of conducts which specify what is right and what is wrong. There are several ethical issues in the workplace, such as bribery, sexual harassment, plagiarizing, theft… We are going to base this project on Sexual Harassment, theft, plagiarizing, and bribery. PLAGIARIZING. Plagiarizing is taking credit for work done or performed by someone (employee or colleague) and presenting it as your own. It could also be taking someone’s ideas. This can be considered stealing. Sometimes, copying from your own self can be considered as plagiarizing (Girard, J.N, 2004). This could be as a result of technology, which makes it easy for people to swipe the ideas of others, images, words and work easily. Borrowing someone else work can also be called plagiarism. There are two common types of plagiarism which involves the deliberate use of someone’s idea without giving them credit or acknowledging them is Intentional plagiarism, and the accidental use of someone’s ideas is inadvertent plagiarism. It is very true that some employees plagiarize without necessarily knowing they are doing something wrong. Some might not know how to appropriately conduct research or cite sources. In this case, it’s very important for management to understand the circumstances so appropriate training can be put in place. Consequences of Plagiarism Some consequences of plagiarizing are:- An employee will be fired if caught, go on suspension or might be sued civilly. Company’s reputation: Plagiarism ruins/hurts the company’s reputation. It can be costly to a company, for example, if a company’s report contains plagiarized... ... middle of paper ... rigged, fans that paid to watch or who made legal bets are cheated. Bribery is also linked to poverty since immoral transactions between companies and officials often involve robbing communities of resources or permitting operations that damage their funds. Ways to Prevent Bribery Some strategies to prevent bribery include: Risk Assessment: The commercial organization should regularly and carefully assess the nature and degree of the risks relating to bribery to which it is exposed. Top-Level Commitment: The top-level management of a commercial establishment should be committed to avoiding bribery and steps should be taken to establish a culture within the organization in which bribery is never appropriate. Due Diligence: Organizations will need to know with whom they are doing business if risk assessment and justification are to be effective.

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